Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

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Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program Profile

The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program (BoNSP), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FoMPHN) Universitas Gadjah Mada was established in 1998 based on Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia Decree No.  373/DIKTI/Kep/1998, and official operational reporting began in 1999. PSIK FK-KMK UGM organizes education to produce Nurse graduates according to level 7, implementing the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), which consists of educational stages, namely the academic education phase and the clinical rotation phase.

Vision and Mission of BoNSP


To become an innovative and excellent Bachelor of Nursing Program at a world-class level, consistently dedicated to the interests of the nation and humanity, guided by the cultural values of the nation based on Pancasila.


Conducting undergraduate and professional nursing education through outstanding Tridharma activities by optimizing the use of data and information technology and being integrated into the Academic Health System to improve the health status of individuals, families, and communities, with the philosophy of CARE.


  1. Produce graduates who are innovative, adaptive, morally upright, and capable of being pioneers of change in the field of nursing.
  2. Conduct research and innovate in the field of health and/or nursing that contributes to solving health problems that are nationally and internationally referenced.
  3. Implement sustainable and comprehensive community service involving alumni and strategic partners to promote community independence and welfare.
  4. Collaborate with nursing departments to ensure good governance that enhances the capacity, health, safety, and welfare of the nursing science study program through a dynamic, integrated, and sustainable support ecosystem.
  5. Create a healthy, safe, environmentally friendly, cultural, and socially responsible academic atmosphere.


  1. Strengthen the academic atmosphere and environment to ensure the quality of graduates and encourage scholarly development.
  2. Facilitate interdisciplinary activities among faculty and program departments in implementing Tridharma.
  3. Strengthen and develop organizational governance that supports Tridharma activities effectively and efficiently.
  4. Optimize the use of shared facilities.
  5. Strengthen the commitment and participation of network hospitals within the framework of the Academic Health System to implement Tridharma.
  6. Facilitate the implementation of educational affirmative programs to support the acceleration of health development in 3T regions (frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped).
  7. Enhance the role of alumni and other strategic partners in the Tridharma of higher education.
  8. Optimize information systems, information technology capacity, and digital production, considering open-source principles and intellectual property protection.
  9. Increase external fundraising activities to support Tridharma activities.
  10. Promote internationalization through benchmarking activities with leading institutions/programs worldwide.
  11. Embed CARE values in every Tridharma activity.

Graduates Profile of BoNSP

The profile of graduates from the Nursing Science Program is as follows:

  1. Care Provider (P1)
    Planning and providing nursing care for individuals, families, groups, and communities across the health-illness continuum in all levels of healthcare services, based on evidence and cultural sensitivity.

  2. Communicator (P2)
    Demonstrating effective communication within client systems and collaborative healthcare teams, in accordance with advancements in communication technology.

  3. Health Educator and Promoter (P3)
    Conducting education and health promotion within client systems to achieve self-care independence.

  4. Manager and Leader (P4)
    Analyzing leadership and managerial functions in providing nursing care across all levels of healthcare services, and coordinating with healthcare teams using interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaboration practice (IPCP) approaches.

  5. Researcher (P5)
    Applying scientific approaches to solve nursing and healthcare problems.

End of Program Student Learning Outcome

Code End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) Kode Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)




Being able to demonstrate a Pancasilaist attitude and an awareness of the nation and the state — (P1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Menunjukkan sikap Pancasilais dan kesadaran terhadap kepentingan bangsa dan negara — (P1, 2, 3,4,5)


Being able to demonstrate attitude of nursing professional — (P1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

S_2 Menunjukkan sikap perawat professional — (P1, 2,3,4,5)




Being able to apply scientific and innovative thinking using information technologies to produce solutions with integrity and manifested in the form of a scientific document — (P4, 5)


Mampu menerapkan pemikiran ilmiah dan inovatif dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk menghasilkan solusi sesuai bidang keahlian secara berintegritas dan diwujudkan dalam dokumen saintifik — (P4, 5)


Being able to develop leadership skills through scientific implementation in society — (P2, 4)

KU_2 Mampu mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan melalui penerapan ilmu pengetahuan pada kehidupan bermasyarakat — (P2, P4)




Being able to apply basic science, health technologies, and basic nursing science based on evidence in providing care — (P1, 3)


Mampu mengaplikasikan ilmu dasar, teknologi kesehatan dan keperawatan dasar berbasis bukti dalam pemberian asuhan — (P1, P3)


Being able to apply evidence-based nursing in clinical setting, community, and disaster situation — (P1, 3)


Mampu mengaplikasikan keperawatan berbasis bukti pada setting klinis, komunitas dan situasi bencana — (P1,3)




Being able to evaluate nursing care in clinical and community settings to improve clients’ health quality — (P1, 2)


Mampu mengevaluasi asuhan keperawatan pada tatanan klinik dan komunitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan klien — (P1, 2)


Being able to conduct scientific research in health science and technology to solve nursing/health problems — (P5)


Mampu melakukan penelitian ilmiah di bidang ilmu dan teknologi kesehatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah keperawatan/kesehatan — (P5)


Being able to implement innovations in nursing/health science and technology — (P1, 2)


Mampu menerapkan  inovasi  pada bidang  ilmu dan teknologi keperawatan/kesehatan — (P1, 2)


Being able to provide health education using communicative skills using information technologies in providing nursing care — (P1, 3)


Mampu memberikan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan keterampilan komunikasi dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan — (P1,3)

Accreditation of BoNSP

The Bachelor of Nursing Study Programs have obtained an “A” accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes). On August 1, 2017, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University successfully received certification from the ASEAN UNIVERSITY NETWORK with certificate number AP211UGMMAY17.

Starting from January 25, 2023, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program is seeking candidacy for initial accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

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LAM PT-Kes Accreditation Certificate

ACEN Candidacy for Initial Accreditation

AUN-QA Certification (2017-2022)

Excellence of BoNSP

  1. BoNSP was Certified by the ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) in 2017 and became the first Bachelor of Nursing Program in Indonesia to be certified by AUN-QA.
  2. Accredited A from LAM PT-Kes.
  3. BoNSP successfully achieved a 100% first-taker pass rate in the Indonesian National Competency Test (UKNI).
  4. BoNSP has implemented an integrated learning system in blocks for student lectures.
  5. Use of Advanced Technology (Patient Simulation Virtual Reality) in learning.
  6. The nursing skills laboratory is available in BoNSP as a simulated hospital / mini hospital.
  7. BoNSP has implemented The Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program through international and international student exchanges, humanitarian projects, internships and research.
  8. Community and Family Healthcare – Interprofessional Education (CFHC-IPE) program where students from 3 study programs (Nursing Science, Medical Education and Nutrition) together provide family assistance in the community from semester 1 to semester 7.
  9. Student Exchange Program with overseas partner universities: Mahidol University – Thailand, Taipei Medical University – Taiwan, Kochi University – Japan, NUS- Singapore, University of Gothenburg – Sweden
  10. Guest Lectures and Visiting Professors allow students to get lectures from foreign lecturers.
  11. Summer / Winter Course Program as a place to interact with international students held at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM.
  12. Field Visits to partner hospitals, other health institutions, and communities.
  13. Community Service Program involving students and lecturers.
  14. Collaborative Research with overseas partner universities.

Curriculum of BoNSP

The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program consists of two phase, namely the academic stage and the professional stage. The program implements Outcome Based Education (OBE) in the educational process. The current curriculum is developed from the core curriculum of Nursing education by the Association of Indonesian Nursing Education Center (AINEC) and includes local content developed as the distinctive feature of UGM graduates.

Academic/ Bachelor’s Phase:

  • The competency-based curriculum model is implemented in the learning process at Bachelor of Nursing Study Program. The curriculum structure is outlined using a block system for each semester.
  • The minimum credit load is 144 credits, including the thesis, CFHC-IPE, and Community Service Program (KKN).
  • The duration of study is 3.5 years, equivalent to 7 semesters.
  • The academic degree conferred upon graduation is Bachelor of Nursing (S.Kep).

Clinical Rotation/ Professional Phase:

  • The credit load is 38 credits.
  • The duration of study is 1 year, equivalent to 2 semesters.
  • The academic degree conferred upon graduation is Nurse (Ns.).
Curriculum Map of 2017-2019
Curriculum Map of Clinical Rotation
Curriculum Map of 2020
Curriculum Map of RPL Program

Academic Calendar of 2023/2024

Odd Semester

Even Semester

Learning Strategic

Since the academic year 1998/1999, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program has been implementing student-centered learning (SCL) through problem-based learning (PBL) strategies. Throughout the learning process, courses are managed and organized to achieve predetermined competencies.

Academic Phase Learning Activities:

  1. Expert lectures
  2. Group discussions (tutorials)
  3. Clinical nursing skills
  4. Biomedical practicum
  5. Field learning experiences
  6. Seminar-based learning models

The professional education/ clinical rotation program is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program. After completing the academic phase, students undergo clinical learning experiences and field learning experiences in various forms and levels of health services (clinical and community). It is expected that after completing the professional education stage, prospective nurses can achieve maximum competence in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, equipping them to become professional and competent nurses.

Clinical Rotation Learning Activities:

  1. Pre and post conferences
  2. Bedside teaching
  3. Nursing rounds
  4. Case seminars/reflections
  5. Journal analysis seminars
  6. Health counseling
  7. Play therapy (specifically for Pediatric Nursing)
  8. Group activity therapy (specifically for Psychiatric Nursing)

Handbook and Guidebook

Video Profile of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

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Profile Book of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Click here

Annual Report of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program 2023 Annual Report

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program 2022 Annual Report

Brochure of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Click here

Academic Handbook of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Click here

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* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Thesis Guidebook of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Click here

* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Clinical Rotation Final Project Guidebook of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Click here

* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Click here

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program 2023 Annual Report

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program 2022 Annual Report

Click here

Click here

* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Click here

* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Click here

* This link can only be accessed using a UGM email account

Contact and Office Address

Ismangoen Building 2nd Floor, Farmako St. Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone: (0274) 545674
Fax: 0274-631204