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Bachelor of Nursing Study Program
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Definition of Recognition of Prior Learning
Based on the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation No. 41 of 2021, Recognition of Prior Learning, abbreviated as RPL, is the acknowledgment of an individual’s learning achievements obtained from formal, non-formal, informal education, and/or work experience as a basis for continuing formal education and for alignment with specific qualifications.
The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program provides an RPL pathway for nurses currently employed at Academic Health System (AHS) UGM-affiliated hospitals. This pathway allows them to pursue further education, transitioning from a Diploma 3 (DIII) graduate to obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and becoming a Professional Nurse.
Registration Requirement
General Requirements:
- Indonesian citizen.
- Good health condition.
- No total color blindness.
- No history of substance abuse (NAPZA).
Specific Requirements:
- Maximum age of 47 (forty-seven) years at the time of registration.
- Holds a Diploma 3 degree in the Nursing Study Program with a minimum accreditation of B at present.
- Has a minimum of 3 (three) years of work experience.
- The sending institution is a hospital affiliated with the Academic Health System (AHS) UGM.
- Has official permission or a study assignment approved and issued by the hospital affiliated with the Academic Health System (AHS) UGM.
- Has a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 (two point seventy-five) on a scale of 4.00 (four point zero zero) in the previous education.
- Successfully passes the selection exam for new students for the Academic Year 2022/2023, Nursing Science Bachelor’s Program, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health (FK-KMK) UGM, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Program.
Registration Prosedure
- Creating a registration account through the website https://um.ugm.ac.id/registration and logging in to the site to fill out the registration form online.
- Filling out personal information and uploading all required documents, then locking the data to obtain a payment code.
- Paying the registration fee of IDR 500,000,- according to the payment instructions provided in the registration account, using the obtained payment code.
- Printing the online Registration Proof through respective registration accounts.
Registration Document
- Color photograph taken within the last 6 months with a red background;
- Scan of Diploma and Transcript: Ensure that the photo and grades on the transcript are clearly visible;
- Scan of Health Certificate from Hospital/Community Health Center/Private Practitioner;
- Scan of Drug-Free Statement from a hospital or clinic authorized by the Government;
- Scan of Color Blindness-Free Certificate. Scan of Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk);
- Softcopy/scan of AcEPT and TPA Certificates that are still valid for the last 2 years. Scan of Employee Appointment Letter in AHS UGM Affiliated Hospital;
- Scan of Assignment Letter or Study Permit from AHS UGM Affiliated Hospital;
- Softcopy/ scan of Financing Guarantee Letter. Softcopy/ scan of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) test;
- Softcopy/scan of training certificates, seminar certificates, workshop certificates, association memberships, and credential exam results from hospitals for the last 3 years (compiled into one PDF file);
- Softcopy of willingness to become a clinical preceptor (format can be downloaded here). Autobiography:
- A4 paper size.
- Font: Time New Roman, size 12.
- Spacing: 5.
- Minimum 300 words.
- Should include work achievements and motivation for participating in this program.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) – format can be downloaded here. Fill out the self-evaluation form, downloadable at http://ugm.id/evaluasidiriRPL.
Study Program Curriculum
Since the academic year 1998/1999, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program has been implementing student-centered learning (SCL) through problem-based learning (PBL) strategies. Throughout the learning process, courses are managed and organized to achieve predetermined competencies.
Academic Phase Learning Activities:
- Expert lectures
- Group discussions (tutorials)
- Clinical nursing skills
- Biomedical practicum
- Field learning experiences
- Seminar-based learning models
The professional education/ clinical rotation program is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program. After completing the academic phase, students undergo clinical learning experiences and field learning experiences in various forms and levels of health services (clinical and community). It is expected that after completing the professional education stage, prospective nurses can achieve maximum competence in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, equipping them to become professional and competent nurses.
Clinical Rotation Learning Activities:
- Pre and post conferences
- Bedside teaching
- Nursing rounds
- Case seminars/reflections
- Journal analysis seminars
- Health counseling
- Play therapy (specifically for Pediatric Nursing)
- Group activity therapy (specifically for Psychiatric Nursing)
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Academic Calendar of 2023/2024
Learning Strategic
Since the academic year 1998/1999, the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program has been implementing student-centered learning (SCL) through problem-based learning (PBL) strategies. Throughout the learning process, courses are managed and organized to achieve predetermined competencies.
Academic Phase Learning Activities:
- Expert lectures
- Group discussions (tutorials)
- Clinical nursing skills
- Biomedical practicum
- Field learning experiences
- Seminar-based learning models
The professional education/ clinical rotation program is an integral part of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program. After completing the academic phase, students undergo clinical learning experiences and field learning experiences in various forms and levels of health services (clinical and community). It is expected that after completing the professional education stage, prospective nurses can achieve maximum competence in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, equipping them to become professional and competent nurses.
Clinical Rotation Learning Activities:
- Pre and post conferences
- Bedside teaching
- Nursing rounds
- Case seminars/reflections
- Journal analysis seminars
- Health counseling
- Play therapy (specifically for Pediatric Nursing)
- Group activity therapy (specifically for Psychiatric Nursing)
Contact and Office Address
Ismangoen Building 2nd Floor, Farmako St. Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone: (0274) 545674
Fax: 0274-631204