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Ariani Arista Purtri Pertiwi, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., DNP
Assistant Profesor
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Area of Expertise/ Area of Research:
Nursing Management, Health System Leadership, Nursing Informatics
Teaching staff of Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing
Secretary of Bachelor of Nursing Study Program (BoNSP)
Professional Profile
Dr. Ariani Pertiwi is currently serving as the secretary of undergraduate nursing program. Her responsibility includes managing nursing students’ clinical rotation in the program. She actively involved in the development of digital initiatives in the clinical nursing education as well as in the community in local, regional, and national level. After completing her bachelor’s in nursing degree at UGM, Dr. Ariani Pertiwi earned her master’s degree at the University of the Philippines Manila (UPM). Her major in Nursing Administration gave her opportunity to experience clinical rotation as a nurse manager in the national referral hospital in the country. She later earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Her major is in health system leadership and informatics. It gave her opportunity to learn a new world for her besides the nursing administration and US health care system is knowledge on healthcare informatics. Learning healthcare informatics in one leading country where it is developed. She got clinical hours related to nursing informatics in the academic hospital where she earned the degree. Since then, Dr. Ariani Pertiwi is focusing herself to develop her knowledge and skills in healthcare informatics specifically in the field of human-computer interaction and usability study in healthcare education and services. She was a member of American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), and an active member in some international professional organizations including Sigma Tetha Tau International (STTI) and NANDA-International
Academic Degrees
Year | Degree | Institution |
2017 | Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) | University of Illinois Chicago, USA |
2011 | Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) | University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines |
2006 | Registered Nurse (Ns) | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
2004 | Bachelor of Nursing (S.Kep) | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
Selected Research & Publication
Arrini, M. N., Putri Pertiwi, A. A., & Noviana, U. (2023). The Application of Mataraman Javanese Manners in Patient Care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 34(3), 181-186.
Andriani, S. P., Adhyanacarira, P., Fuad, A., & Pertiwi, A. A. P. (2022). Comparison of Non-AI and AI-Enabled M-Health Platforms for COVID-19 Self Screening in Indonesia. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 295, 226-229.
Prihatin Putri, D. M., Suhoyo, Y., Putri Pertiwi, A. A., & Effendy, C. (2022). Integrated Diabetes Self-Management (IDSM) mobile application to improve self-management and glycemic control among patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Indonesia: A mixed methods study protocol. Plos one, 17(11), e0277127.
L Lusmilasari, M Perdana, HS Pangastuti, AAP Pertiwi, JI Nillson, M Lepp (2022). Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Nurse Professional Competence Scale: Short-Form Into Indonesian – Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress, 2022
Fuad, A., Herwanto, G. B., Pertiwi, A. A. P., Wahyuningtias, S. D., Harsini, H., Maula, A. W., … & Ahmad, R. A. (2021). Design and prototype of TOMO: an app for improving drug resistant TB treatment adherence. F1000Research, 10(983), 983.
Kusumawati, N. D., Nisman, W. A., & Pertiwi, A. A. P. (2021). Start using EHR, how satisfy are the doctors and nurses?. Enfermería Clínica, 31, 483-488. Herlambang, R., & Pertiwi, A. A. P. (2021). Physicians and nurses’ readiness in using electronic health record (EHR). Enfermería Clínica, 31, 489-494.
Kartika, Y., Rusetiyanti, N., & Pertiwi, A. A. P. (2021). Nurses and physicians’ perceptions on the Electronic Health Record implementation. Enfermería Clínica, 31, 521-525.
Yulida, R., Lazuardi, L., & Pertiwi, A. A. P. (2021). Tantangan Implementasi Rekam Medis Elektronik Berdasarkan Dimensi Sumber Daya Manusia di RSGM Prof. Soedomo Yogyakarta. PROSIDING DISKUSI ILMIAH” Inovasi dan Teknologi Informasi untuk Mendukung Kinerja PMIK dalam Masa Pandemi Covid 19″.
Wahyuningrum, D., Pertiwi, A. A. P., & Harjanto, T. (2021). Gambaran Self Efficacy Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Terhadap Pembelajaran E-Learning. Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI), 6(2), 64-72.
Wibowo, S. T., Pertiwi, A. A. P., & Effendy, C. The Implementation of Discharge Planning for Patients Requiring Palliative Care in Indonesia.