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Faculty od Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Master of Nursing Study Program
The Master of Nursing Study Program (MoNSP) at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was officially established in 2011 based on the Rector’s Decree of UGM No. 449/P/SK/HT/2011. To date, the Master of Nursing Study Program offers several specific-interest, including:
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Pediatric Nursing
- Maternity Nursing
- Emergency Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Nursing Management
The advantages of the Master of Nursing Study Program at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM include:
- Accredited with “UNGGUL” (Excellent) by IAAHEH and certified by the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA).
- A Joint Degree Program with Taipei Medical University (Taiwan).
- Detailed information about the Joint Degree program can be found at the following link: https://nursing.fkkmk.ugm.ac.id/joint-degree-program-studi-magister-keperawatan/.
- Various student exchange activities and lectures by guest lecturers/visiting professors from international universities.
- Integration of Disaster Nursing and Interprofessional Education/Collaboration topics across all specialization courses as a unique feature of the Master of Nursing Study Program at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM.
- Added competencies in Cancer Patient Navigator (NAPAK) in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) India and Roche.
- Pioneering the Master of Nursing Study Program in Indonesia, with graduates earning the title of Master of Nursing Science (MN.Sc).
Vision and Mission
of MoNSP
A world-class, innovative, and excellent Master of Nursing Study Program that consistently serves the interests of the nation and humanity, inspired by the cultural values of the nation and based on Pancasila.
To conduct postgraduate nursing education through the Tridharma activities by optimizing the use of data and information technology, integrated within the Academic Health System, to improve the health status of individuals, families, and communities with CARE values.
To establish the Master of Nursing Study Program at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM as an internationally standard institution that is innovative and excellent by:
- Providing high-quality nursing education to produce superior and competent graduates,
- Producing nursing research that serves as a national reference, environmentally conscious, and responsive to societal, national, and state issues,
- Conducting community service that promotes independence and sustainable well-being,
- Developing strategic, synergistic, and sustainable collaborations with partners.
- Deliver high-quality nursing education aimed at producing superior and competent graduates.
- Enhance the competencies of graduates.
- Create intra-, co-, and extracurricular learning systems that can address local, national, and global challenges.
- Contribute to achieving the university’s reputation that showcases national excellence.
- Produce environmentally conscious nursing research that serves as a national reference and is responsive to societal, national, and state issues.
- Provide sufficient quality resources for the development of research with an emphasis on usefulness.
- Contribute to achieving the quality and quantity of research outputs aligned with the university’s policy directions.
- Increase publications and the incubation of research outputs.
- Conduct community service that promotes sustainable independence and well-being.
- Enhance the capacity of institutions/units responsible for community service.
- Develop research-based community service programs.
Accreditation of
Currently, the Master of Nursing Study Program has been accredited by the Indonesian Accreditation Agency for. Higher Education in Health (IAAHEH) with accreditation number SK: 0265/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Mag/V/2024 and has achieved the rating of “UNGGUL” (Excellent). Additionally, the Master of Nursing Study Program received AUN-QA certification on July 11, 2021.
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Graduates Profile
of MoNSP
The graduate profile of the Master of Nursing Study Program is as follows:
- Scientist
Graduates of the Master of Nursing at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM are capable of actively contributing to the development of nursing/health sciences and the nursing profession through the dissemination/communication of thought processes, scientific arguments, research findings, and/or study results, which must be published in scientific journals or other formats for the academic community and/or the general public. - Researcher
Graduates of the Master of Nursing program at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM are able to develop research in the field of nursing/health to produce innovative and tested research products as a basis for problem-solving, scientific and technological advancement in nursing/health, and policy formulation at both national and international levels. - Educator
Graduates of the Master of Nursing at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM are able to develop education/learning programs in academic, clinical, and community settings, in accordance with UGM values, which are creative, innovative, and based on current evidence. This is achieved through adult learning approaches aimed at developing professional performance and improving nursing/health services in the community. - Manager/Decision Maker
Graduates of the Master of Nursing at Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM are capable of developing and leading the management of nursing services across various healthcare or nursing service settings using a management process approach, while taking into account legal, ethical, and policy considerations at both national and international levels.
End-of-program Student Learning Outcomes
of MoNSP
EPSLOs Code | EPSLOs Description | Kode CPL | Deskripsi CPL |
EPSLO 1 | Demonstrating the Pancasila principles and awareness of the interests of the nation and state (A_1) | CPL 1 | Menunjukkan sikap Pancasila dan kesadaran terhadap kepentingan bangsa dan negara (S_1) |
EPSLO 2 | Demonstrating qualities of honesty, independence, responsibility, self-confidence, empathy, appreciation, serving as a role model, and emotional maturity based on religious, moral, and ethical principles | CPL 2 |
Menunjukkan sikap jujur, mandiri, bertanggungjawab, percaya diri, empati, menghargai, menjadi role model, dan kematangan emosional berdasarkan agama, moral, dan etika |
EPSLO 3 | Able to implement ethical, legal, and culturally sensitive principles in carrying out roles as a researcher, educator, leader, manager, entrepreneur, and healthcare professional | CPL 3 | Mampu mengimplementasikan prinsip etik, legal dan peka budaya dalam menjalankan peran sebagai researcher, educator, leader, manager, entrepreneur dan healthcare professional |
EPSLO 4 | Able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking, as well as scientific thinking through scientific research, creating scientific designs, or artworks based on scientific norms and ethics to address societal/industrial issues. Also, proficient in managing research data for validity, preventing plagiarism, and disseminating/communicating thoughts and results that must be published in national and international scientific journals and other forms to academic and general communities | CPL 4 | Mampu mengembangkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan kreatif serta saintifik melalui penelitian ilmiah, penciptaan desain ilmiah atau karya seni berdasarkan kaidah dan etika ilmiah untuk menyelesaikan masalah masyarakat/ industri dan mengelola data penelitian untuk kesahihan dan mencegah plagiarisme serta mendiseminasikan/ mengkomunikasikan hasil pemikiran yang wajib dipublikasikan pada jurnal ilmiah nasional dan internasional dan dalam bentuk lain kepada masyarakat akademik dan masyarakat luas |
EPSLO 5 | Able to make decisions in solving science and technology development problems in the field of health and/or nursing, as well as developing multi or transdisciplinary networks through the application of evidence-based practice concepts and principles, and fostering innovation | CPL 5 | Mampu mengambil keputusan dalam memecahkan masalah pengembangan IPTEK dalam bidang kesehatan dan atau keperawatan serta mengembangkan jaringan kerja multi atau transdisiplin melalui penerapan konsep dan prinsip evidence based practice, dan mengembangkan inovasi |
EPSLO 6 | Able to develop creative and innovative clinical and community education/ learning programs in nursing/ healthcare practice and services | CPL 6 | Mampu mengembangkan program edukasi / pembelajaran klinis dan komunitas yang kreatif dan inovatif pada praktik dan pelayanan keperawatan/ kesehatan |
EPSLO 7 | Able to develop communication and coordination at the individual, organizational, and interdisciplinary levels in both academic and non-academic activities at the national and international scales | CPL 7 | Mampu mengembangkan komunikasi dan koordinasi pada level individu, organisasi dan interdisiplin dalam kegiatan akademik maupun non akademik berskala nasional maupun internasional |
EPLSO 8 | Able to manage, develop, and maintain networks with colleagues, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary peers at the national and/or international levels | CPL 8 | Mampu mengelola, mengembangkan dan memelihara jaringan kerja dengan kolega, sejawat multidisiplin dan interdisiplin berskala nasional dan atau internasional |
EPSLO 9 | Able to develop and lead the governance of nursing/health services in academic, clinical, and community settings on a national or international scale | CPL 9 | Mampu mengembangkan dan memimpin tata kelola pelayanan keperawatan / kesehatan di tatanan akademik, klinik, dan komunitas dalam skala nasional atau internasional |
EPSLO 10 | Able to enhance professional capacity through lifelong learning, social awareness, and environmental sensitivity | CPL 10 | Mampu meningkatkan kapasitas profesional melalui pembelajaran seumur hidup, kepekaan sosial dan lingkungan |
Curriculum of
The duration of study refers to the UGM Rector’s Regulation No. 23 of 2024:
- The maximum duration of study is 4 years.
- The minimum credit load is 54 credits and the maximum is 72 credits.
The curriculum of the Master of Nursing Study Program consists of:
- General Core Courses of UGM: 21 credits
- General Core Courses for Cancer Patient Navigator (CPN): 7 credits
- Specialization Courses of UGM: 12 credits
- Elective Courses of UGM: 2 credits
- Elective Courses of CPN: 2 credits
- Clinical Practice of CPN: 7 credits
- Thesis: 8 credits

Complete version on MoNSP’s Curriculum Map, can be access at: Complete Version of MoNSP’s Curriculum Map
First Semester Second Semester Third Semester Fourth Semester
First Semester
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The courses taught in the first semester of MoNSP have a total weight of 21 credits. The courses in the first semester include:
A. General Compulsory Basic Course – UGM
Philosophy of Science (2 credits)
The course “Philosophy of Science” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, intended to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding to explore and analyze science from a philosophical perspective. In this course, students are expected to integrate their understanding and analytical skills of science philosophically to evaluate situations in professional nursing practice. Additionally, students are also expected to connect philosophical knowledge with nursing theory within a nursing service context.
Science in Nursing (2 credits)
The course on Science in Nursing examines nursing theories, covering aspects of their historical development, application, and the processes of review, critique, and research findings related to nursing theory.
Qualitative Research (2 credits)
The course on Qualitative Research is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide a foundational understanding of qualitative and mixed methods research to address clinical problems and advance nursing knowledge. This course will cover concepts related to qualitative research, including various qualitative approaches, techniques, methods, and analysis.
Quantitative Research (2 credits)
The course on Quantitative Research is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide a foundational understanding of quantitative research so that students can conduct research to address clinical problems and advance nursing knowledge. This course will explore the stages of the quantitative research process in depth and comprehensively.
The stages include: Developing the introduction and research objectives, Selecting research methods and designs, Establishing the research framework, Identifying variables, population, and sampling, Formulating hypotheses, Designing research instruments, and Data collection and management.
Research designs discussed will include cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, cohort studies, and randomized controlled trials. The course will also cover data mining techniques to enhance data analysis for a broader understanding of research findings.
By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to draft a concise research proposal, which will serve as their final project for completing the Master’s in Nursing.
Biostatistic (2 credits)
The course on Biostatistics is one of the foundational general courses that all students must take in the first semester. This course focuses on statistical testing techniques that students will need for conducting research (thesis).
Ethics and Legal Issues in Nursing (2 credits)
Nursing as a profession must have a clear legal foundation and protection. Nurses should be knowledgeable about various legal concepts related to nursing practice, as they are accountable for their professional decisions and actions. The course “Ethics and Legal Issues in Nursing” provides an understanding and application of ethical and legal aspects within nursing.
The focus of this course is on ethical and legal concepts related to healthcare professions, particularly nursing practice.
By the end of this course, students are expected to make nursing decisions and actions consistently, applying professional standards, the nursing code of ethics, legal principles, and protecting themselves from nursing liabilities while managing nursing care and services.
Nursing Informatics (2 credits)
The course “Advanced Nursing Information Systems” is a mandatory foundational course in the Master’s Program in Nursing that explores the basic concepts and various applications of nursing informatics. Nursing informatics is a combination of cognitive science, computer science, and information science.
Students will study the concepts of information systems in healthcare and how these systems can support and ensure the quality of nursing services. They will learn the principles necessary for the effective and efficient implementation of health information systems.
Additionally, students will explore how nursing informatics can enhance public health status and contribute to nursing education. The course will also cover the role of nursing leadership in health information systems.
Nursing Education and Interprofessional Collaboration (2 credits)
The course “Leadership and Management in Nursing” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing. This course employs a systems framework and critical thinking strategies to study the role of professional nurses within the healthcare system.
It covers theories of management, leadership, and current change processes in the context of nursing practice. The focus is on synthesizing knowledge to develop innovative and creative approaches to enhance nursing practice. By the end of the course, students should be equipped to lead and manage effectively in diverse healthcare environments.
B. General Compulsory Basic Course Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
Introduction of Cancer Patient Navigator (1 credit)
The course “Introduction to CPN (Cancer Patient Navigator)” is a mandatory competency course in the Master in Nursing Study Program, offered in the odd semester. This course covers the following topics: The concepts and roles of a Navigator, Strategies for becoming an effective Navigator, Prevention and screening, Hospital-based Navigation, Navigation in palliative and end-of-life care, Patient navigation matrices, Interventions and the CPN model, CPN postings and activities, The contribution of CPN to healthcare services, The CPN portal and tracking sheets, The use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and portals, Essential resources available for patients. By the end of the course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of patient navigation and its impact on healthcare delivery.
Introduction to Hospital and Hospital Administration (1 credit)
This course is a foundational general course in NAPAK that examines the healthcare system within the context of hospitals and hospital administration. It covers topics such as the healthcare system in Indonesia, hospital structure and administration, health insurance, and the perspectives of various interprofessional roles within hospitals. Additionally, the course focuses on the integration and collaboration among interprofessional teams in the hospital setting. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of how these elements interact to support effective healthcare delivery.
Introduction and Preventive Oncology (1 credit)
The course “Introduction & Preventive Oncology” is a mandatory interest course taught to students in the first semester. This course covers various topics, including an introduction to cancer, factors related to cancer, cancer screening, policies related to cancer screening, early detection and prevention of cancer in Indonesia, information for patients’ families and relatives, and the role of navigators.
Upon completing this course, students are expected to understand the concepts of Oncology Management and how to integrate these principles into patient navigation throughout the continuum of care. Additionally, students will learn about Preventive Oncology Management and how to incorporate these principles into patient navigation.
C. Cancer Patient Navigator Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigator Practice 1: Practical for Cancer Prevention & Referral System (1 credit)
This course is a competency practice course in CPN, focusing on identifying issues related to cancer prevention efforts in the community, as well as problems associated with the referral system both in the community and in hospitals. Students will engage in practical experiences at community health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals, applying their knowledge to real-world situations. Through this hands-on approach, students will enhance their skills in navigating cancer care and improving healthcare delivery systems.
Second Semester
The courses taught in the second semester of the Master of Nursing Study Program (MoNSP) carry a total of 21 credits. The courses offered in the first semester include:
A. General Compulsory Basic Courses – UGM
Evidence-Based Practice (2 credits)
The course “Philosophy of Science” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding to explore and analyze science from a philosophical perspective.
In this course, students are expected to integrate their understanding and analytical skills to assess situations in professional nursing practice philosophically. Additionally, students will be encouraged to connect philosophical concepts with nursing theories within a nursing service context.
Leadership, Management, and Health Communication (2 credits)
The course “Leadership, Management, and Health Communication” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing. This course employs a systems framework and critical thinking strategies to examine the role of professional nurses within the healthcare system.
It covers management theories, leadership styles, and current changes in the context of nursing practice. The focus is on synthesizing knowledge to develop innovative and creative approaches that enhance nursing practice. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to effectively lead and manage within healthcare environments, fostering improved patient care and team collaboration.
B. Interest Specific Courses – UGM
Medical Surgical Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Fundamental of Medical Surgical Nursing (2 credits)
The course “Basic Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing” covers foundational concepts in managing medical-surgical cases, focusing on promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts based on scientific evidence.
Patient Safety in Medical Surgical Nursing (2 sks)
This course is a mandatory elective that explores the concepts and applications of patient safety in the medical-surgical area. It emphasizes best practices to ensure safe patient care in various medical-surgical settings.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 1 (2 credits)
The “Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 1” course is designed to deepen students’ understanding of holistic nursing care concepts. It focuses on providing safe and effective nursing care to adult clients experiencing acute illness, injury, or deterioration of medical conditions.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 2 (2 credits)
“Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 2” discusses the perspectives, scope, and standards of medical-surgical nursing care. It emphasizes patient-centered and family-centered care, critical thinking, safe care processes, health promotion, and holistic approaches in medical-surgical nursing. Topics also include perioperative nursing, educational trends, research, and the role of professional organizations in advancing medical-surgical practice.
Application of Nursing Theory and SNL Approach in Medical Surgical Nursing (2 credits)
This course applies nursing theories in the nursing process, including assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation using the SNL framework (NANDA, NOC, NIC), with a focus on medical-surgical cases. It is mandatory for students specializing in medical-surgical nursing, incorporating lectures, discussions, case studies, self-study, field studies, and seminars, with both formative and summative evaluations.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 3 (2 credits)
“Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 3” is a mandatory elective focusing on integrating and applying palliative care concepts for patients with terminal or incurable diseases. Students will learn the principles, philosophy, and concepts of integrated palliative care with a patient-family centered approach, emphasizing interprofessional collaboration in symptom management to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families. Topics include end-of-life care, ethics in palliative care, family bereavement, and improving the quality of death to support patients in facing dying with dignity.
Pediatric Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Advanced Pediatric Nursing Concepts (2 credits)
The “Concept of Child Nursing” course is designed to equip students with holistic nursing care skills focused on health promotion within a family-centered approach. It covers: 1) Health promotion strategies tailored to children’s developmental stages; 2) Theories and concepts related to health maintenance, nutrition, breastfeeding, activity, sleep, elimination, coping, self-perception, and values; 3) Considerations for providing care in various settings, including home, community, and healthcare facilities, for both healthy and ill children.
Application of Nursing Theory and SNL Approach in Pediatric Nursing (2 credits)
The “Application of Nursing Theory and SNL in Pediatric Nursing” course focuses on applying nursing theories and standardized nursing languages (NANDA, NIC, NOC) in developing nursing care plans. Students will learn to: 1) Prioritize nursing diagnoses and identify appropriate interventions and outcomes for children and families in clinical and community settings; 2) Explore various nursing theories applicable to pediatric care, such as the Theory of Comfort and Orem’s Self-Care Model.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing Assessment (2 credits)
The “Advanced Pediatric Nursing Assessment” course covers comprehensive assessment techniques for neonates to adolescents, focusing on: 1) Health history and developmental assessments; 2) Physical and nutritional assessments; 3) Family assessments and evidence-based evaluation methods.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course builds on holistic nursing care concepts for children, emphasizing health promotion and family-centered care. Key topics include: 1) Health promotion strategies regarding nutrition, activity, and psychosocial development; 2) Care approaches across different healthcare settings for both healthy and ill children.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing 2 (2 credits)
“Advanced Pediatric Nursing 2” focuses on disease management strategies for acute, chronic, and terminal conditions. Students will learn to: 1) Apply theories and concepts related to managing various pediatric diseases, including infectious diseases and chronic conditions; 2) Develop innovative nursing care approaches to enhance the quality of life for children and their families.
Pediatric Nursing Services Management (2 credits)
The “Management of Pediatric Nursing Services” course covers management principles within hospital settings, focusing on: 1) Quality assurance in pediatric care through national accreditation and JCI standards; 2) Assessment and management of pediatric emergencies, chronic conditions, and discharge planning; 3) Integrating nursing theories into practice to provide effective care within a family context.
Maternity Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Maternity Nursing (2 credits)
This course is a core component of the master’s nursing program that teaches the application of nursing theories and the use of NANDA, NIC, and NOC in the context of maternity nursing. Through lectures, discussions, assignments, and case studies, students will master relevant nursing theories applicable to maternity care and understand the importance of standardized language in nursing practice to enhance communication and the quality of care. - Women’s Health Promotion (2 credits)
This course explores the role and status of women in health contexts in Indonesia and worldwide. Topics covered include health promotion efforts through primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention related to reproductive health and strategies to enhance the quality of life for women in individual, group, and family contexts, including the involvement of men in women’s health promotion. - Maternal and Neonatal Health in the Family Context (2 credits)
This course is designed to provide holistic nursing care for mothers and infants during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It focuses on theories and principles of management that consider bio-psycho-social-cultural needs and the use of the nursing process in assessing and managing mothers and neonates in normal conditions. - Trends and Issues in Maternity Nursing (2 credits)
This course discusses current developments in maternity nursing in Indonesia and internationally, including health policies for mothers and children and related laws concerning women’s health. It also covers trends in pregnancy care, childbirth, and reproductive health issues, as well as the role of IPEMI in maternity nursing. - Advanced Maternity Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course focuses on the management of patients with complex obstetric issues. Topics covered include psychological issues and substance use during pregnancy, management of pregnancy conditions such as abortion, preeclampsia, placenta previa, and complications during childbirth. It also addresses postpartum care for physical and psychological complications, as well as interdisciplinary approaches to care. - Advanced Maternity Nursing 2 (2 credits)
This course discusses nursing management in advanced gynecological contexts, including assessment and treatment of infertility, reproductive health disorders such as sexually transmitted infections and reproductive oncology, and current issues such as violence against women, palliative care, and menstrual disorders.
By completing these courses, students are expected to apply their knowledge and nursing skills in complex clinical practices in the fields of maternity and gynecology.
Emergency Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Fundamental Emergency Nursing (2 credits)
This course will cover skills assessment: ABCDE and initial assessment & diagnostic tests: laboratory; Emergency Medical System; application of professional, ethical, legal, and culturally sensitive practices; safe environments for patients, families, and staff; implementation of emergency care systems in everyday emergencies, mass casualties, and disasters; emergency triage; professionalism and leadership: systematic review of emergency academic literature; guidelines in emergency academic literature; emergency principles: safety concepts, non-cardiac emergency medications, risks and nosocomial infections, as well as education (health promotion in emergency cases). -
Advanced Emergency Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course is a mandatory course in the Emergency Nursing specialization within the Master’s in Nursing program. It aims to provide an understanding of advanced emergency nursing as a reference for solving clinical problems and advancing nursing knowledge. Topics will include diagnostic tests, the nursing process, communication and transportation in emergency response systems, nursing, trends, and various issues related to emergency nursing and management of shock in emergency patients. -
Advanced Emergency Nursing 2 (2 credits)
This course is a mandatory course in the Emergency Nursing specialization within the Master’s in Nursing program. It aims to provide an understanding of advanced emergency nursing as a reference for solving clinical problems and advancing nursing knowledge. Topics will cover basic and advanced life support, system emergencies, symptom management in emergency conditions, and application of guidelines and literature reviews in emergency situations. -
Disaster Nursing 1 (2 credits)
Disaster Nursing I is a required course in the Master’s in Nursing program designed to provide a foundational understanding of disaster nursing. The course will cover concepts of disasters, the Disaster Management Continuum, Community Disaster Preparedness, Hospital Preparedness, local wisdom in disaster response, ethical and legal aspects of disaster management, Incident Command System (ICS) in disaster response, data and information management in disasters, and coordination and collaboration in disaster management. -
Disaster Nursing 2 (2 credits)
Disaster Nursing II is a required course in the Master’s in Nursing program, continuing from Disaster Nursing I. This course aims to provide advanced understanding of disaster nursing. Topics will include contingency planning for vulnerable groups, multi-hazard evacuation management, shelter management, logistics management in disasters, safety and security in disasters, communication and risk communication in disasters, ethics in disaster response, and training and education in disaster management, as well as the nurse’s role in disaster risk reduction education. -
Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Emergency and Disaster Nursing (2 credits)
This course focuses on the application of various nursing theories and models in formulating nursing care plans using standardized nursing language (NANDA, NIC, and NOC) to prioritize nursing diagnoses, identify nursing intervention plans, and determine outcomes/goals in providing nursing care to clients and their families in emergency and disaster situations within clinical and community health settings. The course will discuss nursing theories or models applicable to nursing care for clients and their families, such as Kristen Swanson’s Caring Behavior, Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, Jennings Community Health Nursing Model, Disaster Nursing Decision-Making Model, and introduce the use of standardized nursing language (NANDA, NIC, and NOC) in emergency and disaster nursing.
Mental Health Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Basic Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Basic Mental Health Nursing course is a mandatory elective in the Master’s in Nursing program, designed to provide foundational knowledge in mental health nursing. It covers the fundamentals and theories of mental health nursing, current issues in mental health practice, complementary therapies in mental health nursing, and the development of mental health nursing through research and evidence-based practice. -
Mental Health Nursing for Special Populations (2 credits)
The Mental Health Nursing for Special Populations course is a mandatory elective in mental health nursing. It focuses on mental health nursing care for specific groups, including children, adults, and the elderly, from medical, nursing, and psychological perspectives. Issues studied include homelessness among those with chronic mental illness, victims of abuse and life-threatening diseases, individuals with HIV/AIDS and sexual disorders, survivors of rape, prisoners, victims of domestic violence and trafficking, street children, and substance abuse. The course also examines health promotion and behavioral interventions for clients with special needs. -
Community and Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Community Mental Health Nursing (CMHN) course is a mandatory elective in mental health nursing. It explores community mental health focusing on individuals, families, and communities, empowering their abilities. The course includes a Basic Course – Community Mental Health Nursing (BC-CMHN), which covers concepts of community mental health, communication in mental health nursing, community organization, disaster response and crisis actions, mental health nursing for children and adolescents, assessment of social isolation, and nursing care for the elderly with depression and dementia, as well as documentation and evaluation guidelines. -
Emergencies in Psychiatric (2 credits)
This course is designed to address psychiatric emergencies occurring in psychiatric settings. It provides essential understanding and skills in nursing care for clients experiencing psychiatric emergencies, such as delirium, withdrawal from substance abuse, suicide risk, violent behavior, and panic attacks. Additionally, students will learn about legal and ethical aspects of managing psychiatric emergencies and conduct assessments specific to psychiatric emergencies. -
Mental Health Nursing in Disasters (2 credits)
The Mental Health Nursing in Disasters course is an elective recommended for those specializing in mental health nursing. It discusses disasters, their impact on mental health, and interventions provided to disaster victims by mental health teams and other health professionals. -
Application of Nursing Theories and SNL in Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Application of Nursing Theories and SNL in Mental Health Nursing course covers foundational principles of mental health nursing, Standardized Nursing Languages (SNLs) in mental health, nursing theories, evidence-based complementary alternative medicine in mental health, and alternative therapies to address emotional issues experienced by patients with mental health conditions. Activities in this course include lectures, discussions, case-based learning, and project-based learning.
Community Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing 1 (2 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing 2 (2 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing Assessment (2 credits)
- Epidemiology in Community Nursing (2 credits)
- Community Nursing Management (2 credits)
- Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Community Nursing (2 credits)
Nursing Management Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Integration of Standardized Nursing Language (SNL) in Nursing Management (2 credits)
- Nursing Human Resource Management (2 credits)
- Professional Nursing Development (2 credits)
- National Health Policy System (2 credits)
- Nursing Quality Management (2 credits)
- Nursing Service Management (2 credits)
C. General Compulsory Basic Courses for Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
Patient and Family Need Partnership (1 credit)
The Patient and Family Need & Group Partnership course is a CPN competency-based course with a credit load of 1 credit, offered in the second semester of the 2024 MoNSP curriculum. This course covers topics such as the concept of patient needs and concerns, networking and advocacy, General and Palliative Day Care (GDC/PDC) & funding, medical oncology and day care, self-awareness, interpersonal and counseling skills, family/caregiver support for patients undergoing chemotherapy/immunotherapy (effects and side effects), and assistance in self-care for cancer patients provided by family, volunteers, and multidisciplinary teams.
Health Psychology and Psychosocial-care (1 credit)
The Health Psychology & Psychosocial-care course is a mandatory CPN course that explores concepts related to mental health, well-being, and psychosocial care. It covers topics such as health psychology, working with individuals, families, and groups, as well as services and social support for cancer patients post-treatment and during rehabilitation.
D. Cancer Patient Navigator Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigator Practice 2: Practical for Referral System (2 credits)
This course is a CPN competency-based practice course focusing on assessing issues that arise within the families of cancer patients, conducting interventions (education and collaboration) based on the assessment results, identifying internal referral needs for cancer patients, and collaborating with referral units. Students will undergo practical training at community health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals.
Third Semester
The following are the courses offered in the third semester, including:
A. General Compulsory Basic Courses Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
End of Life & Palliative (1 credit)
This course is a mandatory general course for the Cancer Patient Navigator (CPN) program, taken in the third semester. It covers navigation in the management of palliative and end-of-life care services. The course includes an introduction to palliative care and end-of-life care, stages of symptom management in palliative care and end-of-life care, rehabilitation in palliative care, ethical principles in palliative care, psychosocial support and spiritual issues, pain management in palliative care patients, as well as navigation and coordination of care services.
B. Elective Courses – UGM
Students may choose one of the following elective courses based on their area of interest, with each course worth 2 credits. Students are required to take at least one elective course, totaling a minimum of 2 credits:
- Patient Safety (2 credits)
- Emergency Department Management (2 credits)
- Palliative Care (2 credits)
- Infection Control in Nursing (2 credits)
- Quality Assurance (2 credits)
- Teamwork in Disaster (2 credits)
- Wound and Ostomy Care (2 credits)
- Public Speaking (2 credits)
- Innovation in Maternal and Child Health (2 credits)
- Disaster Management in Healthcare Area (2 credits)
- Japanese Language and Literature (2 credits)
- Entrepreneurship (2 credits)
- Scientific Writing and Publishing (2 credits)
- Drama in Nursing (2 credits)
- Complementary Alternative Therapy (2 credits)
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)/Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) (2 credits)
The elective courses offered will depend on the number of students interested in each course. Detailed explanations of the elective courses can be found in the Elective Course Profile Book below.
C. Elective Courses for Cancer Patient Navigation – CPN
Students may choose one of the following CPN elective courses based on their area of interest, with each course worth 2 credits. Students are required to take at least one elective course, totaling a minimum of 2 credits:
- Breast & Cervical Cancer Management (2 credits)
- Lung Cancer Management (2 credits)
- Gastrointestinal Cancer Management (2 credits)
C. Cancer Patient Navigation Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigation Practice 3: Practical for Role of CPN (4 credits)
This course is a CPN competency-based practice course focused on navigating various types of cancer, implementing palliative and end-of-life care management, performing effective health communication, delivering humanitarian health programs, managing self-awareness, developing interpersonal and counseling skills for individuals, families, and groups, conducting psychosocial support programs based on patient and community health needs, implementing programs based on leadership and management skills, and navigating the entire continuum of cancer care services.
Fourth Semester
Thesis (8 credits)
Students will design research, collect data, analyze the data, and undergo a thesis examination. The thesis examination process consists of a proposal defense, an open defense, and a closed defense.
The courses taught in the first semester of MoNSP have a total weight of 21 credits. The courses in the first semester include:
A. General Compulsory Basic Course – UGM
Philosophy of Science (2 credits)
The course “Philosophy of Science” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, intended to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding to explore and analyze science from a philosophical perspective. In this course, students are expected to integrate their understanding and analytical skills of science philosophically to evaluate situations in professional nursing practice. Additionally, students are also expected to connect philosophical knowledge with nursing theory within a nursing service context.
Science in Nursing (2 credits)
The course on Science in Nursing examines nursing theories, covering aspects of their historical development, application, and the processes of review, critique, and research findings related to nursing theory.
Qualitative Research (2 credits)
The course on Qualitative Research is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide a foundational understanding of qualitative and mixed methods research to address clinical problems and advance nursing knowledge. This course will cover concepts related to qualitative research, including various qualitative approaches, techniques, methods, and analysis.
Quantitative Research (2 credits)
The course on Quantitative Research is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide a foundational understanding of quantitative research so that students can conduct research to address clinical problems and advance nursing knowledge. This course will explore the stages of the quantitative research process in depth and comprehensively.
The stages include: Developing the introduction and research objectives, Selecting research methods and designs, Establishing the research framework, Identifying variables, population, and sampling, Formulating hypotheses, Designing research instruments, and Data collection and management.
Research designs discussed will include cross-sectional studies, case-control studies, cohort studies, and randomized controlled trials. The course will also cover data mining techniques to enhance data analysis for a broader understanding of research findings.
By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to draft a concise research proposal, which will serve as their final project for completing the Master’s in Nursing.
Biostatistic (2 credits)
The course on Biostatistics is one of the foundational general courses that all students must take in the first semester. This course focuses on statistical testing techniques that students will need for conducting research (thesis).
Ethics and Legal Issues in Nursing (2 credits)
Nursing as a profession must have a clear legal foundation and protection. Nurses should be knowledgeable about various legal concepts related to nursing practice, as they are accountable for their professional decisions and actions. The course “Ethics and Legal Issues in Nursing” provides an understanding and application of ethical and legal aspects within nursing.
The focus of this course is on ethical and legal concepts related to healthcare professions, particularly nursing practice.
By the end of this course, students are expected to make nursing decisions and actions consistently, applying professional standards, the nursing code of ethics, legal principles, and protecting themselves from nursing liabilities while managing nursing care and services.
Nursing Informatics (2 credits)
The course “Advanced Nursing Information Systems” is a mandatory foundational course in the Master’s Program in Nursing that explores the basic concepts and various applications of nursing informatics. Nursing informatics is a combination of cognitive science, computer science, and information science.
Students will study the concepts of information systems in healthcare and how these systems can support and ensure the quality of nursing services. They will learn the principles necessary for the effective and efficient implementation of health information systems.
Additionally, students will explore how nursing informatics can enhance public health status and contribute to nursing education. The course will also cover the role of nursing leadership in health information systems.
Nursing Education and Interprofessional Collaboration (2 credits)
The course “Leadership and Management in Nursing” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing. This course employs a systems framework and critical thinking strategies to study the role of professional nurses within the healthcare system.
It covers theories of management, leadership, and current change processes in the context of nursing practice. The focus is on synthesizing knowledge to develop innovative and creative approaches to enhance nursing practice. By the end of the course, students should be equipped to lead and manage effectively in diverse healthcare environments.
B. General Compulsory Basic Course Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
Introduction of Cancer Patient Navigator (1 credit)
The course “Introduction to CPN (Cancer Patient Navigator)” is a mandatory competency course in the Master in Nursing Study Program, offered in the odd semester. This course covers the following topics: The concepts and roles of a Navigator, Strategies for becoming an effective Navigator, Prevention and screening, Hospital-based Navigation, Navigation in palliative and end-of-life care, Patient navigation matrices, Interventions and the CPN model, CPN postings and activities, The contribution of CPN to healthcare services, The CPN portal and tracking sheets, The use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and portals, Essential resources available for patients. By the end of the course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of patient navigation and its impact on healthcare delivery.
Introduction to Hospital and Hospital Administration (1 credit)
This course is a foundational general course in NAPAK that examines the healthcare system within the context of hospitals and hospital administration. It covers topics such as the healthcare system in Indonesia, hospital structure and administration, health insurance, and the perspectives of various interprofessional roles within hospitals. Additionally, the course focuses on the integration and collaboration among interprofessional teams in the hospital setting. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of how these elements interact to support effective healthcare delivery.
Introduction and Preventive Oncology (1 credit)
The course “Introduction & Preventive Oncology” is a mandatory interest course taught to students in the first semester. This course covers various topics, including an introduction to cancer, factors related to cancer, cancer screening, policies related to cancer screening, early detection and prevention of cancer in Indonesia, information for patients’ families and relatives, and the role of navigators.
Upon completing this course, students are expected to understand the concepts of Oncology Management and how to integrate these principles into patient navigation throughout the continuum of care. Additionally, students will learn about Preventive Oncology Management and how to incorporate these principles into patient navigation.
C. Cancer Patient Navigator Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigator Practice 1: Practical for Cancer Prevention & Referral System (1 credit)
This course is a competency practice course in CPN, focusing on identifying issues related to cancer prevention efforts in the community, as well as problems associated with the referral system both in the community and in hospitals. Students will engage in practical experiences at community health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals, applying their knowledge to real-world situations. Through this hands-on approach, students will enhance their skills in navigating cancer care and improving healthcare delivery systems.
The courses taught in the second semester of the Master of Nursing Study Program (MoNSP) carry a total of 21 credits. The courses offered in the first semester include:
A. General Compulsory Basic Courses – UGM
Evidence-Based Practice (2 credits)
The course “Philosophy of Science” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing, designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding to explore and analyze science from a philosophical perspective.
In this course, students are expected to integrate their understanding and analytical skills to assess situations in professional nursing practice philosophically. Additionally, students will be encouraged to connect philosophical concepts with nursing theories within a nursing service context.
Leadership, Management, and Health Communication (2 credits)
The course “Leadership, Management, and Health Communication” is a mandatory course in the Master’s Program in Nursing. This course employs a systems framework and critical thinking strategies to examine the role of professional nurses within the healthcare system.
It covers management theories, leadership styles, and current changes in the context of nursing practice. The focus is on synthesizing knowledge to develop innovative and creative approaches that enhance nursing practice. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to effectively lead and manage within healthcare environments, fostering improved patient care and team collaboration.
B. Interest Specific Courses – UGM
Medical Surgical Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Fundamental of Medical Surgical Nursing (2 credits)
The course “Basic Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing” covers foundational concepts in managing medical-surgical cases, focusing on promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts based on scientific evidence.
Patient Safety in Medical Surgical Nursing (2 sks)
This course is a mandatory elective that explores the concepts and applications of patient safety in the medical-surgical area. It emphasizes best practices to ensure safe patient care in various medical-surgical settings.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 1 (2 credits)
The “Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 1” course is designed to deepen students’ understanding of holistic nursing care concepts. It focuses on providing safe and effective nursing care to adult clients experiencing acute illness, injury, or deterioration of medical conditions.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 2 (2 credits)
“Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 2” discusses the perspectives, scope, and standards of medical-surgical nursing care. It emphasizes patient-centered and family-centered care, critical thinking, safe care processes, health promotion, and holistic approaches in medical-surgical nursing. Topics also include perioperative nursing, educational trends, research, and the role of professional organizations in advancing medical-surgical practice.
Application of Nursing Theory and SNL Approach in Medical Surgical Nursing (2 credits)
This course applies nursing theories in the nursing process, including assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation using the SNL framework (NANDA, NOC, NIC), with a focus on medical-surgical cases. It is mandatory for students specializing in medical-surgical nursing, incorporating lectures, discussions, case studies, self-study, field studies, and seminars, with both formative and summative evaluations.
Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing 3 (2 credits)
“Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing 3” is a mandatory elective focusing on integrating and applying palliative care concepts for patients with terminal or incurable diseases. Students will learn the principles, philosophy, and concepts of integrated palliative care with a patient-family centered approach, emphasizing interprofessional collaboration in symptom management to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families. Topics include end-of-life care, ethics in palliative care, family bereavement, and improving the quality of death to support patients in facing dying with dignity.
Pediatric Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Advanced Pediatric Nursing Concepts (2 credits)
The “Concept of Child Nursing” course is designed to equip students with holistic nursing care skills focused on health promotion within a family-centered approach. It covers: 1) Health promotion strategies tailored to children’s developmental stages; 2) Theories and concepts related to health maintenance, nutrition, breastfeeding, activity, sleep, elimination, coping, self-perception, and values; 3) Considerations for providing care in various settings, including home, community, and healthcare facilities, for both healthy and ill children.
Application of Nursing Theory and SNL Approach in Pediatric Nursing (2 credits)
The “Application of Nursing Theory and SNL in Pediatric Nursing” course focuses on applying nursing theories and standardized nursing languages (NANDA, NIC, NOC) in developing nursing care plans. Students will learn to: 1) Prioritize nursing diagnoses and identify appropriate interventions and outcomes for children and families in clinical and community settings; 2) Explore various nursing theories applicable to pediatric care, such as the Theory of Comfort and Orem’s Self-Care Model.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing Assessment (2 credits)
The “Advanced Pediatric Nursing Assessment” course covers comprehensive assessment techniques for neonates to adolescents, focusing on: 1) Health history and developmental assessments; 2) Physical and nutritional assessments; 3) Family assessments and evidence-based evaluation methods.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course builds on holistic nursing care concepts for children, emphasizing health promotion and family-centered care. Key topics include: 1) Health promotion strategies regarding nutrition, activity, and psychosocial development; 2) Care approaches across different healthcare settings for both healthy and ill children.
Advanced Pediatric Nursing 2 (2 credits)
“Advanced Pediatric Nursing 2” focuses on disease management strategies for acute, chronic, and terminal conditions. Students will learn to: 1) Apply theories and concepts related to managing various pediatric diseases, including infectious diseases and chronic conditions; 2) Develop innovative nursing care approaches to enhance the quality of life for children and their families.
Pediatric Nursing Services Management (2 credits)
The “Management of Pediatric Nursing Services” course covers management principles within hospital settings, focusing on: 1) Quality assurance in pediatric care through national accreditation and JCI standards; 2) Assessment and management of pediatric emergencies, chronic conditions, and discharge planning; 3) Integrating nursing theories into practice to provide effective care within a family context.
Maternity Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Maternity Nursing (2 credits)
This course is a core component of the master’s nursing program that teaches the application of nursing theories and the use of NANDA, NIC, and NOC in the context of maternity nursing. Through lectures, discussions, assignments, and case studies, students will master relevant nursing theories applicable to maternity care and understand the importance of standardized language in nursing practice to enhance communication and the quality of care. - Women’s Health Promotion (2 credits)
This course explores the role and status of women in health contexts in Indonesia and worldwide. Topics covered include health promotion efforts through primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention related to reproductive health and strategies to enhance the quality of life for women in individual, group, and family contexts, including the involvement of men in women’s health promotion. - Maternal and Neonatal Health in the Family Context (2 credits)
This course is designed to provide holistic nursing care for mothers and infants during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It focuses on theories and principles of management that consider bio-psycho-social-cultural needs and the use of the nursing process in assessing and managing mothers and neonates in normal conditions. - Trends and Issues in Maternity Nursing (2 credits)
This course discusses current developments in maternity nursing in Indonesia and internationally, including health policies for mothers and children and related laws concerning women’s health. It also covers trends in pregnancy care, childbirth, and reproductive health issues, as well as the role of IPEMI in maternity nursing. - Advanced Maternity Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course focuses on the management of patients with complex obstetric issues. Topics covered include psychological issues and substance use during pregnancy, management of pregnancy conditions such as abortion, preeclampsia, placenta previa, and complications during childbirth. It also addresses postpartum care for physical and psychological complications, as well as interdisciplinary approaches to care. - Advanced Maternity Nursing 2 (2 credits)
This course discusses nursing management in advanced gynecological contexts, including assessment and treatment of infertility, reproductive health disorders such as sexually transmitted infections and reproductive oncology, and current issues such as violence against women, palliative care, and menstrual disorders.
By completing these courses, students are expected to apply their knowledge and nursing skills in complex clinical practices in the fields of maternity and gynecology.
Emergency Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Fundamental Emergency Nursing (2 credits)
This course will cover skills assessment: ABCDE and initial assessment & diagnostic tests: laboratory; Emergency Medical System; application of professional, ethical, legal, and culturally sensitive practices; safe environments for patients, families, and staff; implementation of emergency care systems in everyday emergencies, mass casualties, and disasters; emergency triage; professionalism and leadership: systematic review of emergency academic literature; guidelines in emergency academic literature; emergency principles: safety concepts, non-cardiac emergency medications, risks and nosocomial infections, as well as education (health promotion in emergency cases). -
Advanced Emergency Nursing 1 (2 credits)
This course is a mandatory course in the Emergency Nursing specialization within the Master’s in Nursing program. It aims to provide an understanding of advanced emergency nursing as a reference for solving clinical problems and advancing nursing knowledge. Topics will include diagnostic tests, the nursing process, communication and transportation in emergency response systems, nursing, trends, and various issues related to emergency nursing and management of shock in emergency patients. -
Advanced Emergency Nursing 2 (2 credits)
This course is a mandatory course in the Emergency Nursing specialization within the Master’s in Nursing program. It aims to provide an understanding of advanced emergency nursing as a reference for solving clinical problems and advancing nursing knowledge. Topics will cover basic and advanced life support, system emergencies, symptom management in emergency conditions, and application of guidelines and literature reviews in emergency situations. -
Disaster Nursing 1 (2 credits)
Disaster Nursing I is a required course in the Master’s in Nursing program designed to provide a foundational understanding of disaster nursing. The course will cover concepts of disasters, the Disaster Management Continuum, Community Disaster Preparedness, Hospital Preparedness, local wisdom in disaster response, ethical and legal aspects of disaster management, Incident Command System (ICS) in disaster response, data and information management in disasters, and coordination and collaboration in disaster management. -
Disaster Nursing 2 (2 credits)
Disaster Nursing II is a required course in the Master’s in Nursing program, continuing from Disaster Nursing I. This course aims to provide advanced understanding of disaster nursing. Topics will include contingency planning for vulnerable groups, multi-hazard evacuation management, shelter management, logistics management in disasters, safety and security in disasters, communication and risk communication in disasters, ethics in disaster response, and training and education in disaster management, as well as the nurse’s role in disaster risk reduction education. -
Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Emergency and Disaster Nursing (2 credits)
This course focuses on the application of various nursing theories and models in formulating nursing care plans using standardized nursing language (NANDA, NIC, and NOC) to prioritize nursing diagnoses, identify nursing intervention plans, and determine outcomes/goals in providing nursing care to clients and their families in emergency and disaster situations within clinical and community health settings. The course will discuss nursing theories or models applicable to nursing care for clients and their families, such as Kristen Swanson’s Caring Behavior, Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, Jennings Community Health Nursing Model, Disaster Nursing Decision-Making Model, and introduce the use of standardized nursing language (NANDA, NIC, and NOC) in emergency and disaster nursing.
Mental Health Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
Basic Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Basic Mental Health Nursing course is a mandatory elective in the Master’s in Nursing program, designed to provide foundational knowledge in mental health nursing. It covers the fundamentals and theories of mental health nursing, current issues in mental health practice, complementary therapies in mental health nursing, and the development of mental health nursing through research and evidence-based practice. -
Mental Health Nursing for Special Populations (2 credits)
The Mental Health Nursing for Special Populations course is a mandatory elective in mental health nursing. It focuses on mental health nursing care for specific groups, including children, adults, and the elderly, from medical, nursing, and psychological perspectives. Issues studied include homelessness among those with chronic mental illness, victims of abuse and life-threatening diseases, individuals with HIV/AIDS and sexual disorders, survivors of rape, prisoners, victims of domestic violence and trafficking, street children, and substance abuse. The course also examines health promotion and behavioral interventions for clients with special needs. -
Community and Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Community Mental Health Nursing (CMHN) course is a mandatory elective in mental health nursing. It explores community mental health focusing on individuals, families, and communities, empowering their abilities. The course includes a Basic Course – Community Mental Health Nursing (BC-CMHN), which covers concepts of community mental health, communication in mental health nursing, community organization, disaster response and crisis actions, mental health nursing for children and adolescents, assessment of social isolation, and nursing care for the elderly with depression and dementia, as well as documentation and evaluation guidelines. -
Emergencies in Psychiatric (2 credits)
This course is designed to address psychiatric emergencies occurring in psychiatric settings. It provides essential understanding and skills in nursing care for clients experiencing psychiatric emergencies, such as delirium, withdrawal from substance abuse, suicide risk, violent behavior, and panic attacks. Additionally, students will learn about legal and ethical aspects of managing psychiatric emergencies and conduct assessments specific to psychiatric emergencies. -
Mental Health Nursing in Disasters (2 credits)
The Mental Health Nursing in Disasters course is an elective recommended for those specializing in mental health nursing. It discusses disasters, their impact on mental health, and interventions provided to disaster victims by mental health teams and other health professionals. -
Application of Nursing Theories and SNL in Mental Health Nursing (2 credits)
The Application of Nursing Theories and SNL in Mental Health Nursing course covers foundational principles of mental health nursing, Standardized Nursing Languages (SNLs) in mental health, nursing theories, evidence-based complementary alternative medicine in mental health, and alternative therapies to address emotional issues experienced by patients with mental health conditions. Activities in this course include lectures, discussions, case-based learning, and project-based learning.
Community Nursing Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing 1 (2 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing 2 (2 credits)
- Advanced Community Nursing Assessment (2 credits)
- Epidemiology in Community Nursing (2 credits)
- Community Nursing Management (2 credits)
- Application of Nursing Theories and SNL Approach in Community Nursing (2 credits)
Nursing Management Interest-Specific Course (12 credits)
- Integration of Standardized Nursing Language (SNL) in Nursing Management (2 credits)
- Nursing Human Resource Management (2 credits)
- Professional Nursing Development (2 credits)
- National Health Policy System (2 credits)
- Nursing Quality Management (2 credits)
- Nursing Service Management (2 credits)
C. General Compulsory Basic Courses for Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
Patient and Family Need Partnership (1 credit)
The Patient and Family Need & Group Partnership course is a CPN competency-based course with a credit load of 1 credit, offered in the second semester of the 2024 MoNSP curriculum. This course covers topics such as the concept of patient needs and concerns, networking and advocacy, General and Palliative Day Care (GDC/PDC) & funding, medical oncology and day care, self-awareness, interpersonal and counseling skills, family/caregiver support for patients undergoing chemotherapy/immunotherapy (effects and side effects), and assistance in self-care for cancer patients provided by family, volunteers, and multidisciplinary teams.
Health Psychology and Psychosocial-care (1 credit)
The Health Psychology & Psychosocial-care course is a mandatory CPN course that explores concepts related to mental health, well-being, and psychosocial care. It covers topics such as health psychology, working with individuals, families, and groups, as well as services and social support for cancer patients post-treatment and during rehabilitation.
D. Cancer Patient Navigator Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigator Practice 2: Practical for Referral System (2 credits)
This course is a CPN competency-based practice course focusing on assessing issues that arise within the families of cancer patients, conducting interventions (education and collaboration) based on the assessment results, identifying internal referral needs for cancer patients, and collaborating with referral units. Students will undergo practical training at community health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals.
The following are the courses offered in the third semester, including:
A. General Compulsory Basic Courses Cancer Patient Navigator – CPN
End of Life & Palliative (1 credit)
This course is a mandatory general course for the Cancer Patient Navigator (CPN) program, taken in the third semester. It covers navigation in the management of palliative and end-of-life care services. The course includes an introduction to palliative care and end-of-life care, stages of symptom management in palliative care and end-of-life care, rehabilitation in palliative care, ethical principles in palliative care, psychosocial support and spiritual issues, pain management in palliative care patients, as well as navigation and coordination of care services.
B. Elective Courses – UGM
Students may choose one of the following elective courses based on their area of interest, with each course worth 2 credits. Students are required to take at least one elective course, totaling a minimum of 2 credits:
- Patient Safety (2 credits)
- Emergency Department Management (2 credits)
- Palliative Care (2 credits)
- Infection Control in Nursing (2 credits)
- Quality Assurance (2 credits)
- Teamwork in Disaster (2 credits)
- Wound and Ostomy Care (2 credits)
- Public Speaking (2 credits)
- Innovation in Maternal and Child Health (2 credits)
- Disaster Management in Healthcare Area (2 credits)
- Japanese Language and Literature (2 credits)
- Entrepreneurship (2 credits)
- Scientific Writing and Publishing (2 credits)
- Drama in Nursing (2 credits)
- Complementary Alternative Therapy (2 credits)
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)/Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) (2 credits)
The elective courses offered will depend on the number of students interested in each course. Detailed explanations of the elective courses can be found in the Elective Course Profile Book below.
C. Elective Courses for Cancer Patient Navigation – CPN
Students may choose one of the following CPN elective courses based on their area of interest, with each course worth 2 credits. Students are required to take at least one elective course, totaling a minimum of 2 credits:
- Breast & Cervical Cancer Management (2 credits)
- Lung Cancer Management (2 credits)
- Gastrointestinal Cancer Management (2 credits)
C. Cancer Patient Navigation Practice – CPN
Cancer Patient Navigation Practice 3: Practical for Role of CPN (4 credits)
This course is a CPN competency-based practice course focused on navigating various types of cancer, implementing palliative and end-of-life care management, performing effective health communication, delivering humanitarian health programs, managing self-awareness, developing interpersonal and counseling skills for individuals, families, and groups, conducting psychosocial support programs based on patient and community health needs, implementing programs based on leadership and management skills, and navigating the entire continuum of cancer care services.
Thesis (8 credits)
Students will design research, collect data, analyze the data, and undergo a thesis examination. The thesis examination process consists of a proposal defense, an open defense, and a closed defense.
Academic Calendar of
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Profile Book of
Elective Courses
Registration and
Academic Process
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Course Registration
Course registration must be completed by both new and returning students before the semester begins, specifically during the registration period. Registration is done by filling out a study plan online through the student’s SIMASTER portal. The study plan includes the course names and the credit load for the semester. The proposed study plan must receive online approval from the Academic Advisor and the Head of the Master of Nursing Study Program through: https://simaster.ugm.ac.id/
Learning Activities
Learning activities in the Master of Nursing Study Program include expert lectures, group tutorial discussions, seminars and presentations, clinical practice, and field visits. The academic guidebook provides comprehensive information and advice on the overall master’s program. Students will be guided by an Academic Advisor (DPA) throughout their studies at the Master of Nursing Study Program and two Thesis Supervisors. Students are encouraged to interact with all academic staff and participate in various events such as summer/winter courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, competitions, etc.
Evaluation Methods
Learning Outcome Evaluation:
- Formative Evaluation
- Mid-Semester Examination
- Final Semester Examination
- Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
- Final Project/Thesis
Monitoring and Study Evaluation:
- Progress evaluation (at the end of each semester)
- Final evaluation of the master’s program
- Teaching and learning process evaluation by students
Student Academic Appeal Process
Students have the right to appeal academic decisions and recommendations made by the Examination Board and the Program Board (acting on their behalf) that affect their academic progress. This procedure outlines the basis for permitted appeals and the mechanism through which these rights can be exercised. It also defines the conditions under which academic appeals are not allowed.
Judicium and
Academic Judicium Requirements
Based on the Rector’s Regulation No. 2 of 2023 on education, disseminated during a workshop held on May 3, 2023, the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing will hold monthly academic judicium. In this regard, students who have completed their closed thesis defense must immediately finish their revisions and register for the yudisium according to Rector’s Regulation No. 2 of 2023 and the academic guidelines of the Master of Nursing Study Program, which include:
- Temporary transcript (signed by the Academic Advisor)
- Yudisium application letter
- Thesis manuscript approved by the supervisory team, examiners, and Head of the Study Program
- Proof of thesis submission, manuscript publication, and approval sheet submitted to supervisors and examiners
- These documents must be submitted no later than 3 days before the graduation date set by FK-KMK.
Graduation Requirements
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00
- No grades of D or E
- Successful completion of the thesis examination
- Submission of the thesis manuscript approved by the Head of the Master of Nursing Study Program, FK-KMK UGM
- A scientific publication/manuscript derived from the thesis research, with at least one article eligible for publication in a scientific journal.
Master of Nursing students at UGM study within the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing located west of the university’s central building. Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM offers a comfortable and conducive learning environment. UGM students have access to the university and faculty libraries, online journals, databases, and other learning resources using Single Sign-On (SSO).
The available facilities are as follows:
Tahir Foundation Graduate Building, which includes:
- Auditorium
- Classrooms with supporting equipment
- Multimedia room
- Student study room
- Statistics room
- Academic administration services
Ismangoen Building, which includes:
- Auditorium
- Simulated hospital
- Classrooms with supporting equipment
- Tutorial discussion rooms
- Faculty offices
- Administrative services
- Student activity room
Other facilities, including:
- Integrated biomedical laboratory
- Learning Management System (eLOK and Gamel)
- Green open spaces
- Library and journal databases
- Parking area
- Mosque
Nursing clinical practice is conducted at affiliated hospitals under the Academic Health System (AHS), including Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Banyumas General Hospital, community health centers (Imogiri, Mlati, and Depok), and Social Service Centers for the Elderly (PSTW Abhiyoso and Budhi Luhur).
Student support services:
- Psychological counseling
- Talent and interest services
- Scholarship information
- Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC)
- International information (student exchange programs)
- Language and Statistics Clinic
Information and
Tahir Foundation Building, 7th Floor, South Wing
Jalan Farmako Sekip Utara, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Phone: (0274) 541569
Fax: 0274-631204