Nursing Department

The organization structure of Nursing Program changes into Four Nursing Departments in 2017 following the transition in the Faculty of Medicine into Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing.  Formally, the transition from FK UGM to FKKMK UGM had been stipulated in a UGM board of trustees’ regulation no. 3 year 2017 concerning third change of board of trustees’ mandate no. 4/SK/MWA/2014 regarding organization and governance of UGM.

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing has strategic research coverage in surgical medical areas such as cancer patient care, infection control, palliative care, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, and others.

Department of Pediatric and Maternity Nursing

The Department of Pediatric and Maternity Nursing has strategic research coverage in maternity nursing, reproductive health studies, maternal and child health, children with special needs, sick child care, child development optimization, and others.

Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing

The Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing has strategic research coverage in critical care, disaster management, prehospital and intrahospital emergency nursing, nursing education, nursing management, and others.

Department of Mental Health and Community

The Department of Mental Health and Community Nursing has strategic research coverage in mental health, community mental health nursing (CMHN), emergency psychiatric care, health promotion, family-centered care, home care, dementia care, and others.

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program

Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, produces professional Nurses with the philosophy of teaching CARE (Competence, Altruism, Respect, and Empathy). The Bachelor of Nursing Study Program has been accredited A by the Indonesian Accreditation for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PT Kes) and received Asian certification University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) in 2017.

Master of Nursing Study Program

The Master of Nursing Study Program was founded in 2011 under Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Currently, the Master of Nursing Study Program FK-KMK UGM has been accredited A by LAM-PT Kes in 2019 and has received AUN-QA certification in 2021. The Master of Nursing Study Program FK-KMK UGM offers 14 free courses and five specializations, including Specialization Pediatric Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Emergency Nursing, and Psychiatric Nursing.

Nursing Department in Number

Faculty/ Lecturers
Study Programs
Bachelor's Graduates



GPVault ™? supports the global professional nursing community. It is a mark of recognition for participating nursing schools and other organizations that support career advancement in the health professions. This Global Passport program was established by and is administered by CGFNS International.

Nursing Department's Event

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