Quality Assurance (QA) system in Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing is part of QA University level system. However, we modify several organization framework and procedures based on specific need of the program.

In Faculty level, QA unit is under Dean structure. Duties and responsibilities of QA unit are:

  1. Maintaining QA system in the faculty level
  2. Auditing internal quality of each program
  3. Surveying stakeholder and related parties
  4. Collecting Report of Self-Evaluation of all program, research centers, and other units under Faculty.

At program level, all program should develop the quality of graduate competency. Every course is evaluated by Course Coordinator and Team for QA. Evaluation result will be discussed by them to identify action plan for the upcoming academic year. Every year QA unit at the faculty level will audit internal quality of each program known as Audit Mutu Internal (AMI).

Purpose of AMI:

  1. Monitoring quality assurance of each program in the faculty
  2. Motivating to always improving academic quality
  3. Planning and managing implementation of AMI
  4. Coordinating visit to all program
  5. Discussing the implementation of quality assurance related to continuing program improvement.